Careful attention to what is being creative, and what is about being conscious.
Creativity comes from creation, belief and inspiration, blowing life into something, but consciousness is to be aware of the ten thousand and eight details that are going on in the present of your existence and make them dance like a beautiful ode to the epic of life.
Blow life to life and Art will be a creative conscious symphonic portrait.
Isn't the cosmos the artistic God's work?
Oh, dear, certainly there are kingdoms based in dark negative energy conformed by ten thousand disgraceful beings, but also there are kingdoms based on the eternal graceful light of ten thousand beings. All of them comprise my then thousand and one multi-dimensional beings kingdom and they all are my home.
I'm a flying ethereal being of the basin watershed of the river creek and the softly wet scent of the moss in the top of the mountain, I was born out kali and seeded seen in cosmic light. And that...That's my habitat, that's my home.
Divine Art, Divine Artists?
Art has a precise base in the cosmic engineering of sacred algorithm and geometry that resembles the inner and outer space of the inspiration of the artist, whether it is Architecture, Painting, sculpture, music, dance, poetry, magic, etc... Understand, the level of an artist is related to his conscious depth level attained, as well spoken before, what a grater work of art which its God's creation?
Now remember this principle, God created it's art work at its own image, At its own image God created its art work.
We all are God's art work.
Divinity sleeps in the rocks
Divinity breaths in the forests and plants
Divinity dreams in the animal kingdom
Divinity awakens in the conscious human
Divinity playfully jokes in the superconscious being.
The Conscious existence is a divine artistic expression of the cosmos because it goes beyond limits and imagination, between known, and unknown to the wonders of it.
Let us then, cognize and understand that simple truth.
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