
Showing posts with the label Coaching

Why is the conscious existence a divine artistic expression?

Please, Play this song and Listen while you read. What can be said about creativity?  What can be said about creative consciousness?  Careful attention to what is being creative, and what is about being conscious.  Creativity comes from creation, belief and inspiration, blowing life into something, but consciousness is to be aware of the ten thousand and eight details that are going on in the present of your existence and make them dance like a beautiful ode to the epic of life.  Blow life to life and Art will be a creative conscious symphonic portrait. Isn't the cosmos the artistic God's work? Oh, dear, certainly there are kingdoms based in dark negative energy conformed by ten thousand disgraceful  beings, but also there are kingdoms based on the eternal graceful light of ten thousand beings. All of them comprise my then thousand and one multi-dimensional beings kingdom and they all are my home. I'm a flying ethereal being of the basin watershed of the ri...

How to successfully cope with the on going difficult times?

Are you bored and losing your mind,  no idea what to do? Do not find any sense in life and existence? Are you in despair because resource seems to be unclear in your life? Are you afraid to get sick or attempting to heal the pandemic stuff but supporting your loved ones? Are you losing your neurons in relating with housemates, the crazy news and politics? After covid, absolutely difficult times have been unleashed for societies these past months, but also, some lucky minorities were benefited having their times of the times, increasing their fortunes by the useful  applications and software that simplify our lives, time, efficiency, and delivering results as well as solving our needs, but anyways and regardless of what's your situation everyone has been challenged, if you are in between difficult psychological, mental, physical issues, boredom,  uncertainty and despair, or overload stress and burnout, I am here to provide tips and support your coping techniques through th...

"Thoughts and Quotes" by Paule Landinez

Perfection "Perfections are relatable to precise contexts,  when it is said about the perfect imperfection of the sole nature of the men,  it is in regards to the greatest possible conscious expression of men,  and it relies just in the mirroring of the cosmic existence itself,  and it is perfect and imperfect, purely impure" Humans ¨When humans become consciously perfect they are not humans anymore, but super conscious beings, because humans by nature are unconscious and erratic¨ Discover "Nothing that I can discover in the cosmos is new, it is only discovered" Integrity ¨Integrity is not doing the right when nobody is watching,  integrity is an alignment that exists between a and b/ b and a and subsequent.  Independently of the nature of those parts.  Moral Integrity is a behavioral alignment to your good values, behaving righteously in any given situation.¨ Success ¨Success is not measured by money acquired, but by the intense clever and continuous ...

Why context always matters? A promised land

Contexts always matter because everything is relative to a certain point in question, comparing and relating is relative to the context. Definitely, not everybody has the same parents, the same opportunities or support, and not everybody is willing to have the audacity to talk the realities of their own private life in the public eye of a society that could  attempt to destroy your personal life value as a natural thing that happens, but even after usual opinionated views, you gotta do what you can with what you have, and keep doing the best you can do. From different available resources everyone makes what its possible to them, and comparing it must be taken with a proper context. Certainly, the world, but mostly the existence is as complicated and complex as the eyes of the observer, and it reacts to our own actions, that's why to keep high logics to ease high matters is a sweet to the life. The depth in which you do anything it's  what matters, and anything can be used depe...

Why addressing deeper understandings about "LGBTQ" is needed?

  Because in between so much chaos and confusion, it is a need to spread love, compassion, education and acceptance!  Along so much ignorance, humans unconsciously did not even understand  the simplicity of life. Let's start by stating the following cognition: "God" The "existence" do not oppose itself between the same opposites of the opposites created by part of creation itself. Considering the fact that, this is a very serious and delicate topic, I will inform you carefully based on integrated facts about the cosmic existence, rather than just a  non cognized scripture. In fact, during several centuries and millennials ago, dated since the alfa and omega were there, the cosmic life has been  present everywhere, beyond imagination in diverse forms.  We can notice multiple life forms, starting from the most common to the most rare, in which such a cases we might even still ignore.  Why do people claim such a false right to condemn the existential dive...

How to apply the Science of Completion and Techniques

"Our world is a reflection of the completion or incompletion that we are" Sanskrit Purnat ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते । पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः  Let completion be, from the space of completion.  Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Puurnnam-Udacyate | Puurnnasya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate || Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih || Meaning: 1: Om, That (Outer World) is Purna (Full, Whole "Complete" with Divine Consciousness); This (Inner World) is also Purna (Full with Divine Consciousness); From Purna is manifested Purna (From the Fullness of Divine Consciousness the World is manifested), 2: Taking Purna from Purna, Purna indeed remains (Because Divine Consciousness is Non-Dual and Infinite), 3: Om, Peace, Peace, Peace. "Om, That is Wholeness, This Wholeness From Wholeness comes Wholeness, Though this Wholeness is taken from that Wholeness This Wholeness remains Whole Om ...


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