"Silence is the language of God, everything else is a bad translation."
Rumi ❤️
Look at my face.ЁЯШЦЁЯе▒ЁЯдлЁЯдгЁЯШВ
Let me first express about God
What can you cognize about God's meaning?
Well, I am not any entitled priest or theologist, but beyond it, I'm just nothing but an existential being living my Leela who is attempting to comment lightly and with respect to anybody else's beliefs on this topic.
General world's sacred religious scriptures should be scientifically, consciously understood and explained to the seekers. With this I mean to clarify that there is a path to explain through tangible proofs those scriptures. (P.S. when I don't know the script I get to admire the one who knows it ЁЯШН)
In my understanding, Some people have come to believe that God, Olodumare, Dios, Dieu, Allah, or Hindu Trimurti, is some benevolent entity, but the reality is that meaningfully those are only the Supreme Consciousness of the existence, when you recall benevolent beings you can address to those more conscious evolved beings named as devas, suras, angels, and archangels. But God is beyond general understandings of benevolence.
When you have certain remembrance of Krishna, Christ as selflessly giving up their life for everyone's karmas and mishandled actions, I could say it was a wrong approach, The depth behind it, its that they were not selfless beings, they were soulful beings, wholesome and full of love for themselves that they were able to share that love with others too, and they already knew that after all, it was not gonna be what a big issue, after all they knew there was life beyond what you could imagine, those beings don't die, they remain. But the others aspects of God don't mind much about it.
Love is a conscious vibration, eternal state of being.
The meaning behind saying "Sons of God", its just about humans who attain the ultimate evolution and energetic expression possible on earth. The attainment of buddhi.
The selflessly negation and denial of your own existence will only lead you to the realization and acceptance of yourself and the expansion of the evolution in harmony with the own cosmic reflection macro cosmos outside. Do as you feel to do.
Let us love others as we love ourselves, God is one in Oneness.
Certainly if you do pay little attention to your awareness and inner and outer environment you would notice that in real truthful reality God "existence" is as Silently perpetually Loud as possible as you could ever imagine.
Give yourself the chance to see and experience this anytime! You would be astonished!
By this exact moment there are thousands and millions speaking, singing, moaning, laughing, playing, nature sings, hurricanes scream, heart beat, thunderstorms yell, the sea waves, the birds sing, the river flows, the dogs bark, etc., the existence is as Silently loud you can not even grasp it all at once, and dear, All of that is God's creation, being alive and existing as loud and beautiful as anybody can appreciate it.
Could you even imagine the type of sounds that exist out of extraterrestrial space?
Can you even hear the sound of people badmouthing around?
Even if I stayed silent I would scream it all as Silently loud it can be, the only difference is those who are ready to listen and cognize.
Lovingly with care. ЁЯШКЁЯШ▒ЁЯШК
Names of God |
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