Demonology Principal Demons (Asuras “Without Sun, Atman, Soul”) Devil Starters, the Souless to be spotted: To Identify fastly the intervention possessions of demons: Parakayos (Parakashos) Pajolainen, Roho, Oliotos, Principles of Illnesses, Paraphilias, Pathologies and disgrace, they all are made of what has been stolen by peoples efforts and basically they are empty egregors. ( only made of peoples energy permissions) Souless. Demons are made of pure hatred, can change their form, gender, or shape but they have an original one as well as their own personality and sayings to be identifying, they were born caused by a poisoning, and they have been intensely all possessing by multiple layers to everyone involved . 1. Murkho (Belzebooh) Unhinged Demon of dementia, ignorance, stupidity and Edeath: Basic primary shape: Little Dwarf with little bat wings and retarded behavior, also Red or greeny grayish appearance with horns, make people laugh...