Why addressing deeper understandings about "LGBTQ" is needed?

“Without Sun, Atman, Soul”)
Starters, the Souless to be spotted:
Identify fastly the intervention possessions of demons: Parakayos (Parakashos) Pajolainen,
Roho, Oliotos, Principles of Illnesses, Paraphilias, Pathologies and disgrace,
they all are made of what has been stolen by peoples efforts and basically they
are empty egregors. ( only made of peoples energy permissions)
Demons are made of pure hatred, can change their form, gender, or shape
but they have an original one as well as their own personality and sayings to
be identifying, they were born caused by a poisoning, and they have been intensely
all possessing by multiple layers to everyone involved.
Murkho (Belzebooh) Unhinged Demon of dementia, ignorance, stupidity and Edeath:
primary shape: Little Dwarf with little bat wings and retarded behavior, also Red or
greeny grayish appearance with horns, make people laugh by stupid serious stuff
making them out of the reality, and sending them to psychosis psychotic
episodes of unreal present things. It’s the principle and possession of people
telling lies and being into mithomaniatic states; People get deceased by
selling themselves under crazy unhinged behavior and disgracing themselves like
This is a suicidal demonic creature, who corrupted
the present calendar under pope gregorious, and the days, hours to make the planet
stupid ignorant, sold and disgraced.
Everybody would be under ignorance because they
steal their deeds.
Cómo? Como
dices? / Si que no me le vieran muy bell@ / Y entonces, como es esto? / Usted
ya no entendió esto. Usted ya no entendiera… Usted no sabes estooooooo….
Mookoo Threatening Demon Bakasura: Little creature
similar features like a cow and obstructing peoples noses to threaten them,
slaying them, silencing them, violating them, removing the resources, blinding
them, and all sorts of fearful offenses.
No le vieran buen @…. Solamente le vieran egovic@ –
Solamente le vieran buen@, no le vieron egovic@
Si tú dices esto…
3. Kumbhkarna Gluttony Demon: A really blacky grayish big and fat creature
in sylph undine base with the capacity to steal in crazy amounts and drain
other peoples efforts.
4. Ganazapa Lobhasura (Priorly
Ganesha form) Greed Demon Mammon (Amoon): An elephant creature
who has a crazy tendency to possess all and everything, more and more.
Sien do esto,
enton ces de esto, yo …..soy lo de
Nagasura Reptided Evil Demon of Envy ( Historically the most evil): A
draconic or iguana creature stealing,
devouring, draining, taking away their memories, and leaving them Souless, by
dealing their selves, and has the powerful skill to hypnotize the victim in to
disgracing themselves, and dominating to do what they want.
Lo que pasa es
que…. Usted ya me diera eso…. Y en tonces, yo ya
también…. Usted
no sabe lo que es esta fulana….
Chamunda Lust Demon Chandra Munda Gjira: A voluminous sultry
lady or a hunky guy, killing people by sex addicting them, blaming them after
that, draining them to disease and amnesia, leaving them sold and finished.
Hummm, Esto!
solo me fue puterit@.. Esto solo es una pukesit@s…
Baphomet Demon Mohasura Belphegor:
A black homeless person
shape, with a hat, killing people by
offering all, under agreements, to the odds of objection, tearing apart their wishes with blasphemies, depressing
them to death, leaving them sad until selling their self to it. Its only
presence is depressing; it can turn to bugs pests.
Nooo…. Como crees que fulana te quería!
8. Wrath Demon
Krodhasura Madasura Luciferin: Lighted Reptided Amphibia Shape, making people be death by
explosion of anger and heart attacks, usually over turned eyes to bloom.
Yo a tiii ,,, so
lamente no vieras de esto … No le ayudaran…. Ayudaran Si, Si, Usted ya no vi e ra esto….hmmmm….. hmmmmm….
Si, Si, Hay algo que usted no entiende…
Leviathans demon of Elfo-Alfa arielo: Multiple possessions
of these demons who consort a special personality without the naga.
Hey Babes me vio tonto? Do you think I’m stupid? Long time no see?
Draculo: : Multiple possession of these demons together who
consort an special personality.
Glamurosoooo, Grandiosooo,
Lujosoooo, Preciosoooo, Puterisimoo….
What to do?
Mainly, read the hidden sacred redemption judgment scriptures until the
Demons give nothing to anybody, have this very clear. (Chrystal Clear,
Chrystal clears)
They only kill, because they were born out of a particle of dementia, and
they only take away from people’s souls. They are empty death creatures, who once
if they would give back what they stole (which they wouldn’t give back) only
disappear; they are made by all what they stole by the people, you wouldn’t
pray for them have this clear, it is useless, it was something you allowed.
1. Spot and identify them clear:
After spotting, declare to repudiate, and forbid these possessions, and
all relations to those demons. These are going to run away for a moment, but
they come back, and what to do? They will abuse again, and you repeat the
repudiation, with the intention to kill them, and taking back the energy they
stole to you. Like this you get on yourself back again. They only come to steal
your energy, life and soul.
In the case you relate or friend them, they are only going to kill you. (To
Clarify, This needs a special code process to be protected for the coming and
coming back from those creatures)
A Security code Lock from devil possessions, usually they are doing these
because everybody gave them permissions and allowed them through governments,
societies, loggias, religions etc. ( Your will to repudiate and forbid this)
2. Verify and authenticate every
single detail as possible.
In order to kill the false and fake scams, and lies from these demons, it
is precise to recite and study the holy Satya Sarvagna Shastra (Scriptures and
wisdom) of cosmic truth, dwelling in secret today, after this, they die. The
demons start making false scenarios to cheat and deceive a fool, when they are
unable to possess them, and when their lies are not suffient, they start
pasting labels and notes to the etheric person’s body to confuse, and destroy
them along with other demons that come by. Condemn this with determination to
repudiate and futile death to every demon who has pasted these over your body.
3. Remain confident under threating of life and death under any case.
The determination, courage to stay solid, strong and respond to kill them
is punctual. Period
There is still a process to learn these mysteries of life, sustenance and
death to defend yourself properly. Because by the moment have the clear
understanding that nobody else were available. Speak clear, and uncover the
abuses. Be fearless.
4. Have clear your punctual goal, and have a clear, and conscious
understanding of your power to stop these treat immediately.
In the case of hypnotic attempt, observe and hate this immediately with
your capacity, be secured and sharp minded about your goal, because they only
want to dominate, and disgrace a process of your goals, they live to observe
what people want in order to offense their path against odds and traps, and
block their lives until they get sold and find themselves death for their
stupidity. Set strongly cognitions of destroying these type of attempt to hypnotize
you, it starts to make you asleep, and fooly, you feel like sleepy and under
some type of drug, and they fall you into these trap. This is in the case of no
possession, but only hypnosis psychotic.
5. Start with determination subtracting out their existence to finish
They have a quality to only live to steal and robe everybody, when this
happens, the person goes cold, stupid and sleepy, stop this, have the precise
comprehension of leaving them finished, because they are what they stole from
the permissions you gave them, basically, this comes to the point in what you
understood that you are demanding back what they stole, remain demanding,
futile and that’s it.
Remember this: No Holy creature goes to possess anybody.
Most Affecting present Demon
is: Dementia and the Greed Naga, Baphomet
Have this clear, under this problem There is not Popes, Clero, religions
are fake and demons are feeding from that, not Angels and not Devas, People
were sold to a finished treaty to the Dementia Demon and everybody has a cursed
body and that’s the reason it comes back, people would need to renew their
bodies ASAP and make an effort to fight this because everybody from those ranks
died under this treaty. Reject all of the hatred and signs of that.
People are basically forbidden to go partying, sexing and distracting
under this effort, everyone who goes to this is just going to be Edeath because
they are running to make them stupid and steal their memories, because under
this people forgot what have been happening.
This is the effort, to take back what has been stolen by that theft, and
they are only made out of that.
Anybody who put their all effort to that would be saved. All this starts
by God principle.
Demons Vices
Sarcasmo -
Ironia –
Dementia Senil
Sinismo -
Codiciosos -
Manipuladores -
Mentirosos -
Aplacentados *
Injustos =
Vituperantes +
Burleteros -
Petulantes -
Narscisiticos -
Ladrones +
Etitulados Soberbicos -
Atarvanes -
Irrespetuosos +
Blasphemicos -
Envidiosos -
Iracundos +
Soberbios -
Avaros -
To conquer the diabology you must
understand the diabolic, and breakthrough three mysteries:
achieve become life wise in that.
Has lo que
temes y la muerte al temor será segura!!!!
Be careful not right with this.
Temor y el
La liberacion
de la dualidad se realiza por la unidad.
Es por ti y por
mi que te observe:
de la inocencia
Manipular con
el miedo al dolor
con apariencias"
Infundir miedos
Mientes e
Inculpa perjurando?
Sabotageas y
deludas los esfuerzos?
Torturas la paz
Robas divinidad
de la fe y esperanza como una delusion y así sumir en la tristeza?
Deprimiendo Suicidamente…
Crea de los
deseos una adicción enfermiza…
convertirte en esclavo de el miedo
El miedo que
provoca en el cuerpo un nivel energético bajo, baja autoestima, y así genera
una susceptibilidad a los desafíos que se presentan, entonces convirtiendote en
un ser vulnerable y esclavo de la separantas, cuando el diabolo te encuentra
perseverante entonces te valora y te propone todavia una fusion, pero una
fusion que es fraude mortal, osea un amante mas de su imperio mortifico del
deseo infernal.
La dualidad es
la separación, pero no el separatismo, a través del separatismo entra la debilidad
de la autenticidad, integridad y autonomía de la chispa divina de la
consciencia creativa unitaria que reside
en los seres del cosmos existencial y la densidad dimensional.
Hay que
comprender, que la esencialidad del diábolo reside en su participación como
parte de la divinidad cósmica de la existencial perecible, siendo también partícula controlable y extinguible, es mortal así, y
se deshace como un tandava cósmico, acaba con esto, y también reside en nuestro ser finito, ya que
nosotros también somos parte de esa divina existencia inmortal cósmica que
anula este dicho, solamente nos transformamos y transcendemos en esencia, el diábolo
es un gran desquicio quien su única función final es de retener la gracia, propiciar
desgracia y muerte eterna existencial, que se contiene el purusha y se
descontiene del kala dimensional del tiempo cósmico.
Gracias, a todos los misterios satwas who once
“Those who matter don’t care and those who care don’t matter”
“Love God before all, and thy neighbor as well as thyself”
ava tvaṃ mām। ava vaktāram।
ava śrotāram।
ava dātāram।
ava dhātāram।
avāpūnaracānamava śiṣyam।
ava paścāttāt।
ava purastāt। avottarāttāt।
ava dakṣiṇāttāt।
ava cordhvāttāt।
sarvato māṃ pāhi pāhi samantāt
Ava Twam Mam | Ava Vaktaram | Ava Shrotaram | Ava Dataram | Ava Dhataram | Avapunarachanavamshishyam Ava Pashhattat | Ava Purasttat | Avo Tarattat | Ava Dakshinattat | Ava Chordhvattat | Ava Dharattat | Sarvato Mam Pahi Pahi Samantat
•ava tvam mam – protect me;
•ava vaktaram – protect the speaker of this mantra;
•ava shrotaram – protect the listener (srotram means ear);
•ava dataram – protect the donor (dhata or phala dhata – the one who gives the results);
•ava Dhataram – protect the sustainer (Dhaata – here refers to the lord who is the sustainer of the universe); ava –means protect; punarachanavam – the teacher- shishyam – the student;
•ava pashhattat – protect from the west (paschim means west);
•ava purastatt – protect me from east (puraha – means east);
•ava uttaratt – protect me from North (uttar means north);
•ava dakshinatt – protect me from South (dakshin means south); ava chordhvattat – protect me from top;
•ava dharattat – protect me from bottom;
•saravato mam pahi pahi samantat – protect me from all sides.
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