A WIND OF AMBROSIA " Un Perfume del Alma"


Its part of a project focused, and addressed to entertain uplifting people's moments through diverse forms of art that involve various sensorium dimensions to the creatures, This one starts with "A Wind of Ambrosia" (Un Perfume del Alma) addressing to introduce a musical allusion scent of breeze in what the grace would bloom to the creatures. The inauguration for the Redemption of creatures.

The symbolic meaning relating to "A WIND OF AMBROSIA" (Un Perfume del Alma) musical book, involves the subtle particles which composes the chemical structure of the various elements that entice, and tease the stimulus censorious neuro connectors of the various sentient creatures, and by this effect also eject releasing the actions to enjoy greater connections that propitiate the whole completion of pranic life in to one by each other in allusion to sounds.

Following this statement, embracing graceful relations, create wonderful spaces to exist, and procreate life, experiencing life in the most complete sense of meaning, by example, when spreading frankincense or cinnamon is happening around some places, it entices, and lively stimulates the relating spirits, and sentient creatures that relates or soulfulates essentially to that type of subtle winds or perfumes, by example, when the fragrance produced by the food being cooked in the restaurant is traveling around the spaces outside of the kitchen, these spirits, and sentient creatures that relate to that type of elements are attracted and fed by those “ Perfume of Ambrosias (Amrita)” “Subtle Essential Soul Perfumes” produced by specifically mixture of elements that once consumed of inhaled by them creates real opening to channels of sensorium experiences in their body that feed their need to expand the life and excitement by it.

Also, to expand the context; by the instinctive meaning of the sense in the social relational connection of creatures, the releasing generated by their endocrine system in some species whom contain glandules named gonads produce some hormones, but in the plats its, pistils the stiles, endorphins and pheromones or pollen, to create as well similar, and related effects; “The great Opus” of this, recalls a Fantastic entertainment consort of fine arts which in this case, as part of “Musical Composition” evoking censorious dimensions to hail, unleash, and provoke a sense of charming connection of these alive sentient creatures that enjoy the stories attached behind these songs, musical content, inspiring graceful endings between them all.




Children Suite



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