This is a very powerful technique to rid you of your limiting cognitions that are not allowing you to manifest the life you desire.
What is a PATTERN? : forgetting the solution and falling into the same
problem again and again.
You are joyful, having clarity and understanding in life.
• After 2 days, you come up with some problem
• Four days: Think about the problem and find a solution
• After 2 days, forget the solution and falling into the same problem again.
• One week : Thinking and finding solution
• After 2 days, forgetting the same solution and falling into the same problem.
• This is what is called as PATTERN
Root Pattern?
All patterns boil down to 1 root pattern
• First time when you started thinking about you, life, and your decision to project you
to life.
Example: You feel shrinking is the only way of protecting you
• at some point, when you felt you are in some crisis, danger, your
survival is questioned, your survival is threatened
• You always feel when you are threatened, shrinking is the only way of
protecting you.
How are root patterns created?
• First time in your life, when you felt threatened, powerless, crisis, the
first definition you gave about you in that survival threat
– First
Inner Image
• What you feel about the world – First life-image
• How you decide to respond to the world – First outer-image
Your first inner-image + first outer-image + first life-image is
called “Root Pattern”
Eg. Can be as simple as: your brother denying you candy, your sister pulling your leg,
your uncle threatening to drop you in a well
• Can be really simple or complicated as physical / sexual abuse
Eg. Child playing in rain. Mother dragging the child n locking up inside house
• Inner image: Child would have felt powerless, victimized, felt crisis mode
• Life image: Mother is cruel, demon, no compassion, no concern
• Outer image: I have to fight to survive – child kicks the
wall, kick the door, call names, shout, etc..
A thought pattern is a pre-defined way of responding to any
situation based on a powerful past experience like failure, rejection,
being punished, being subjected to abuse or witnessing the death
of a loved one.
During these moments of crisis, you create an idea
about yourself and life - like: I am weak or I am a failure, or
nobody loves me, or life is dangerous, so I have to be very careful.
Almost all root patterns are negative, even the ones which may lead
to success in your life, because they are born out of your feeling of
All these thought patterns are based on inadequate cognitions,
because life is different at every moment, and you need to respond
to it spontaneously. Right now, you are nothing but a bunch of
programmed actions and patterns that never let you contact life
and respond as it happens. Rather, you respond based on your past
thought patterns.
You may have many thought patterns, but a root pattern is one of
the few defining thought patterns that continuously run your life
without your knowledge.
Unchangeable facts about Root pattern
• It always gets created before the age of 7
• Only from root pattern, all incompletions starts happening.
• After age of 7, root pattern cannot be developed.
• Lust can never be a root pattern – it is only a parasite
Why are Root pattern so powerful?
• Because it repeats again and again.
• Anything which repeats inside
you again and again becomes
bondage/powerful karma. You
root pattern is the first and
foremost pattern which repeats
itself thousands and thousands of
times in your life.
- You: “I am not able to remember the exact incident that happened”
- Me: - “Start doing it in my presence and you will be able to find it.”
• Doing it by yourself before and doing it now in my presence has a
huge difference. You will experience it now
• Beyond logic! - Cannot logically understand but experience will tell
To identify the first 3 images - Identifying your root pattern
Sit straight and close your eyes - relive the first root incident when you felt
1. Relive the earliest incident which made you powerless (no mirror)
2. Identify your root pattern and pen down once you identified.
3. Till then go on reliving , reliving and reliving
4. Find out first time when you felt powerless in your life
5. What was your inner-image at that time?
6. What is the outer-image you created at that time?
7. What is the life-image you created at that time?
Completing with your Pain Samskaras
Samskara Dahana Kriya
Each pain is like a pus, don’t cover,
but wipe it out completely
o Each pain is like a pus which
you have covered – anybody
who walks in it, you feel the
o Solution: You need to heal the
pus, not cover it!
You are not logically powerful not to show the pain / hurt on
someone else
The anger you have on your
brother, you show on your boss.
o You end up showing your pain
on someone else
o Only solution: Not to leave any
wound/incompletion inside.
Clear all of them.
Doing completion with every painful
memory :
– physical, mental, psychological and
o Physical pain
o Mental pain - whenever what
you want does not happen the
way you want
o Emotional pain - happens if
you are not respected, if u r
cheated or if your trust breached
Psychological pain - just confusion, for no reason you are
depressed.. just because of time you go through the same pain
Whatever pain you went through in your
life, go back to the root pattern.
o From root pattern whatever you
remember till today morning, whatever
you went through pen down.
You will be a new SLATE: I will wipe out the whole slate.. You
will be a new slate..
▪ Just recall each and every incident
▪ Relive them in your inner space
▪ Write them down
▪ Relive the same incident in the mirror
MY COMMITMENT - Whatever you relive and pen down, I will
burn them away
Whatever you relive and
pen down, I will burn
them away and their
effects on you
Many people ask, “Should we write only unpleasant incidents?”
o Understand, your remembrance of your past will only be
painful, because you have a natural tendency of remembering
only pain.
o If there is no pain, powerlessness, incompletion, you just
forget it
Completing with Pain Patterns - Samskara Dahana
Now we enter into a very unique process. Maybe for the first time you
will write your autobiography!
1. Start with the earliest memory of your life.
2. Recall all the unpleasant incidents of your life.
3. As you recall each incident, re-live it in your inner space intensely. Go
back to the same situation, same emotions, same intelligence, same
intellect, same understanding, same experience, same dress etc. Go back
to that age. Bring that same emotion, bring that same experience.
4. After re-living, write down each incident clearly as if you were
writing a story.
5. After writing, re-live the incident in the mirror.
Do not censor anything, do not avoid any incidents. Write each
and every incident.
Express all the emotions that come up as you share.
▪ Do not suppress anything.
▪ Remember you are sharing in the very breathing space of
the master and tremendous healing will happen if you
do this process with integrity and authenticity.
I hope this information has been useful and promising for your life, learn more about this Science of completion, and contact me at for a personal supporting guidance in the process of these practices mentioned above.
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