Have you found yourself wondering what is love?

What is all about the so called ¨ having a crush¨ on someone?
In order for us to discover love, sometimes we must go through displeasing situations that makes us appreciate the meaning of love, and sometimes it just does not happen that way.
May be, Somehow, Some people have lost or never understood the meaning of love, Love goes beyond seeming lovable, someone can seem kind and soft but its just an hypocrite that really does not care about the transcendental meaning of what goes beyond superficialities, it could appear to be just as a manipulative tactic, as a public image, as a marketing, or as a social manner, but in reality the meaning of love goes beyond not only being superficial but authentic, it could mean that may be someone got angry but still cares, integrated in a way that there is factual care, in devotional feelings and compassion to involve with the loving point, that which is your loving focus, it can be you, someone else, or whatever you want.
When you recall about love in consciousness, we must understand that the mind is analytical and logical, but it is not meant to feel, we must see that the expression of feelings is stored below the neck, and the center of affliction points the chest, when the analytical mind meets the chest, that is a sign you can be confident that your logic has a depth in the experience of feeling, and that is when cognitions happen to be born.
I have heard some people say, "Follow your heart" and this has to be taken very carefully because sometimes heart is not fit to choose properly or healthily, it usually requires a cognitive programming process, cognitions can be distorted when there is a tendency to be biased against or in pro certain things that are not factual.
When the logical analytical mind is used connecting to the feeling experience in order to center a proper judgment, it leads you to be conscious of your present awareness as a fact in the existence, and that's how you get conscious cognitions.
There are diverse types of love, if you search online you will find a lot of descriptions relating to the word, and it would give you an amplified perspective of that term, but at the end of the highest form of love its an engaged devotional state of existing.
When it is said love in consciousness, its a reiterated affirmation of the repetition that is redundant, when you say emotional intelligence, its applying the logic mind to the feelings, but when we say emotional consciousness, it is the reverberation of the consciousness.
As I spoke before, I do not believe in selfless love, I believe in soulful love, you can give from what you have, not from what you don't have, when we cognize self love as a divine existential right, we have the capacity to provide from the depth level that we have.
I believe that we can not be all the time in a loving state, sometimes we are just empty, I understand I do not like certain things and I dislike them, Naturally as anybody else; also there are things that depress me and things that make me angry, such as unfair happenings or abuses, and I'm conscious that it is a very natural reaction from anyone that gets triggered or threatened by something against its will, try with any animal and you see the example, also I understand that beyond animals we still have the capacity to learn to control ourselves and have a lesser reaction to certain Triggers.
Personally, I would like to never be idealized in anyway which I'm not, I'm a sentient being that has feelings and can be hurt as well as you, I've seen and experienced through times certain bad happenings and I've wrote bizarre negative texts, so that anyone could see that even when someone has a capacity to love and have empathy, there is also the opposite in consciousness to see that not all is just loving lovable, because the reality is real and dual by nature.
Being real is not just being loving, its being all the ways we can be, sometimes someway, sometimes other way, unless we be acting hypocrites.
I remember I was working as a waiter, and most times I did it in devotional state, and I was happy serving everyone, until I started seeing to much unfair environment and abuse, and I couldn't not anymore, even after enduring for a long period certain irregularities such as falling down between everyone in the floor more that once, and sexual harassment, slander and abusive approaches, I felt unwell to involve.
There is a tendency to love only what is pretty and nice, and get horrified when we find out the reality is that every thing is both sided. Love the whole spectrum is a possibility but there is not why to let the feeling of dislike what we don't like. So, Lets love what we can, lets hope that what we can love becomes a larger spectrum, beyond a momentum.
Love, beyond being an advertisement, beyond a romantic sexual context, beyond a kind propaganda lucrative business, a possessive attachment or an annual celebration, it is oneness, it is an authentic care for yourself and whatever else you want, but beyond anything Love is Love!
भक्ति with simplicity, if nobody told you today,
I love you!
Spread love!
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