It is a wonder fruit grown on Haritaki Tree(Terminalia Chebula Tree). It has unique characteristics which make it a universal remedy of all diseases in Ayurveda. This is one of the major component of wonder Ayurveda medicine known as Triphala Powder. Haritaki Trees are found in deciduous forests of India, especially in the northern region.
Fruits, Roots, and bark of this tree is used to prepare herbal medicines. Haritaki Fruit is a drupe-like fruit vary in size between 2 to 4.5 cm length and 1.2 to 2.5 cm in breadth having five longitudinal ridges.
Oval in shape and turns green to blackish in color as ripen depend upon it’s variety.
The taste of its fruits are sweet, sour, bitter and astringent depend upon its type which is discussed below in different types of Haritaki section.
It is called by different names in different languages in India like “Harad” in Urdu and Hindi, “Kadukkai” in Tamil,”Hirada” in Marathi, “Hilikha” in Assamese and “Horitoky” in Bengali
Haritaki Fruit is very nutritious for a human being as it contains essential vitamins, minerals and protein. It is a rich source of Vitamin C and minerals like selenium, manganese, potassium, iron and copper.
Haritaki also has plants chemicals like tannic acid, Che bulimic acid, gallic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and behenic acid.
Ayurvedic Properties of Haritaki:
According to Bhavaprakasha(Ancient Indian Scripture), this is known as “The King Of Medicines” in Ayurveda because of these ayurvedic properties: Rasa (Taste): All six except salt, mainly astringent, sweet, sour, pungent, bitter.
Virya (Potency): It’s very warm.
Vipaka (Post Digestive Effect): It’s vipaka is sweet.
Guna (Quality): It’s guna is light and dry.
Unique Property: Maintain the balance of all three doshas that is Tridosha
(Humors) Effect on Doshas (Humors):It is very useful in the vitiation of all three senses of humor, but it is particularly used to balance Vata (Air humor).It helps to balance the Air(Vata) if taken with Ghee(Buttery Oil).It helps to balance the Fire(Pitta) if taken with Shakara (Sugar/Coarse Jaggery).It helps to balance the Water(Kapha) if taken with Lavan(Rock Salt).It helps to balance all the three Doshas that is Vata, Pitta, and Kapha if taken with Gud (Jaggery).
Haritaki also helps to improve the digestion. It detoxifies and nourishes all the body tissues. Following are some uses of Haritaki according to Ayurveda: It helps to detoxify and nourish all the status (body tissues).
It is best for purifying the channels of the body that is called “srotoshodhan.”
It helps to improve the digestive system & helps in healthy digestion of food.
It helps to strengthen the nerves & five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell & taste).It helps in maintaining normal body temperature. It helps in strengthening the female reproductive organs like a uterus. Health Benefits of Haritaki: Haritaki, the wonder medicine has several health benefits, out of which few are listed below:
1.Prevents Hair Loss and Removes Dandruff:
Haritaki is a very useful remedy for hair fall in the form of Haritaki herbal oil. It also prevents Dandruff and Lice infection. Regular use of Haritaki oil is good for your hairs. You can buy it online or make at your home. To make Haritaki oil, heat a cup of coconut oil in a pan and add three Haritaki pods(fruit).Once it has turned brown and the outer shell cracks, take it out of flame and let it cool. When it cools down, store it in a bottle and use according to your need.
2.Helpful in Constipation: Haritaki is a natural laxative and contains dietary fibers which are digestive agents fights with constipation. Haritaki is a natural remedy for constipation.
Just Simply Take one Spoon in a glass of water daily only for 20 days.
Buy it here: Also eBay or Amazon
This is my Experience with Haritaki day after day recorded.
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