CBT can be a perfect and helpful coping tool and also the way to create a change and transform our behavior, therefore achieving better outcomes, but what is CBT?
CBT stands for Cognitive behavioral Therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Technique.
It is a powerful tool used in most types of life coaching programs as a base for development. The core premise is that we have the ability to control our thoughts our emotions and our behaviors and because of this we can create the life experience that we want.
Cognitive refers to the process of learning and understanding through our experience which we take in through our five senses.
Cognitive processes happen consciously when we are aware of them and unconsciously when they happen automatically without our awareness.
Behavior refers to the way that we act which can happen deliberately when we are aware of our cognitive processes or it can happen reactively when we are responding unconsciously to a situation.
It is our perception of a situation rather the situation itself that determines how we feel Bout it and how we react to it. Our perception of a situation can change if we change the way we look at it just like putting on a pair of glasses with a different color lenses or looking at an object from a different angle.
When we have a negative interpretation of a situation it causes a negative emotional reaction within us but constantly finding a positive view of a situation help us improve we emotional well being!
The actions we take are chosen based on what we think but specially on what we feel about a situation therefore if we change the way we think it changes the way we feel and the actions. it leads to better decisions and therefore achieving our goals.
CBT help us to manage our perceptions and interpretations, which could be distorted due to cognitive distortions or errors on our thinking as well as limiting beliefs.
It teaches us how to become aware, thinking clearly and positively. It is not just positive thinking but logical conscious and healthy thinking.
If you ever made assumptions or jumped to conclusions or made a situation worse than it was by worrying then you may have experienced a cognitive distortion.
Identifying this cognitive distortions makes it easy to work on them and change that outcome.
CBT focuses on the here and now thoughts and believes and today I am offering support for you in changing unwanted behavior by changing the though patterns such as destructive self talk, self sabotaging and obsessive thinking which may be bothering you.
CBT can support your journey into achieving your goals and improving your life.
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